Zhang Liyuan Autism – A Stem Cell Thearpy

Stem cell therapy though a solution to a number of degenerative cell problems has been known to be a painful and risky procedure as the cells were usually extracted from bone marrow and even after transplant there was the potent risk of GVHD or graft versus host disease, in which the donors cells did not tolerate the recipients cells causing fatal complications!

However stem cell hospitals today use a different, advanced and much more effective technique to extract hematopoietic stem cells. The umbilical cord blood is an important stem cell center, the cells extracted from here are ten times more in number than in bone marrow, no pain is involved and the stem cells are more tolerant and adaptable. More over cord blood transplants are much effective for siblings or other family members of the infant donor. Thus if this cord blood is stored after delivery in can be very helpful later on in case of any transplant or surgery.

The advantages of hematopoietic stem cells are galore, they are known to cure fatal and terminally degenerative ailments like blood cancer, autism, motor neuron diseases, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s etc. Millions of people are affected by these sicknesses around the world, they need not succumb to these diseases any more, stem cell therapy is the answer to all their problems!

There are a number of hospitals in India researching on the therapy and coming up with different approaches to make these transplants more effective and to increase the current success rate of 40 to 60% to a 100%. Stem cells India looks a lot promising from the number of research centers and hospitals that are coming up across the country, they are using state-of-the-art instruments and some are also collaborating with foreign medical centers to better their facilities and approach!

Autism Step Singapore is one of those organizations that have foreseen the bright future of this regenerative medical science and are working towards it’s betterment. It is an excellent venture between the best medical centers and pharmaceuticals in India and the US and provides stem cell treatment to people suffering from a number of sicknesses.

stem cells banking is one of the largest, most racially diverse, and highest quality public cord blood stem cell banks of donated umbilical cord blood in the world.

Zhang Liyuan – Autism Isn’t Fair ! Promoting Positive Feelings Among Siblings

If you have more than one child, do they compete for your attention? Do you detect jealousy that you would rather not see? Does the amount of bickering among your children and lobbying for No. 1 position concern you as a parent? Welcome to the world of parenting!

In addition to that, if you have a child with special needs that requires extra time, money and attention, you unfortunately increase the risk that normal sibling resentment will impact your household. No matter how secure your other children are their individual temperaments and personalities can make them more susceptible to feelings of envy when their sibling has Autism. Warding off feelings of jealousy or rivalry when one child may need more attention than another can be emotionally draining for parents of autistic children.

Every child, regardless of ability or disability unconsciously competes with their siblings to define who they are as individuals. On their path toward self-discovery, all children want to show they are separate from their brothers and sisters and want to be recognized for their specific talents.

If children feel they are getting unequal amounts of attention or acknowledgement from their parents they often start to compete to prove their worth or withdraw into themselves. Thoughts such as, “What about me?” or “It’s not fair!” can rattle around in a child’s head to fester and develop into behavior problems. Wondering what you can do to promote more positive feelings?

Here are some tips provided by Zhang Liyuan that will help you promote healthy relationships in your children and reduce jealousy and rivalry among siblings.

1) Promote connection among siblings yet allow for separateness as well: Finding a good balance between having your children spend time together and away from each other is an important challenge for parents to take on.

– Plan family activities that are fun for everyone. When kids have good experiences together, it acts as a buffer when they come into conflict. It’s easier to work it out with someone you share warm memories with.

– Help your children find their own space. Make sure each child has enough time and space of their own. Kids need chances to do their own thing, play with their own friends without their sibling, and they need to have their space and property protected.

– Avoid putting your neuro-typical child in a position of responsibility for their sibling on the Autism spectrum. Short time periods and emergency situations aside, asking a young child to watch over their special needs sibling is too much to ask for and can trigger anxieties in addition to feelings of jealousy or hate.

2) Dole out love on many levels: Young children actually believe there is a finite resource of love. Therefore, young children can seem desperate to keep it all for themselves and they don’t understand that love can grow exponentially. Make it clear that there’s enough love to go around for everybody.

– Label your “alone time” with each child as it occurs. When you spend one-on-one time with any of your children refer to it as “mommy & me time” or “dad time” so they actually realize what is happening. Try to spend at least a few minutes each day. It’s amazing how much even just five minutes of uninterrupted time can mean to your child.

– Take some time to create unique and meaningful rituals for connecting with each child – different games or activities that speak to your common interests, special pet names, mystery passwords, or secret handshakes.

3) Explore raw feelings: Remember as children voice their opinions they think abstractly but talk in absolutes. They are usually not very subtle. Being slightly annoyed by their autistic brother becomes “I HATE HER! I WISH SHE WAS DEAD!”

When in the heat of the moment: DON’T diminish or dismiss such statements with “You don’t really want mean that. You love your sister.” Instead, breathe deeply and validate her strong feelings with an empathic stance like “Wow. She really made you angry, huh?” Let the steam blow off and don’t rush to make ‘nice’ immediately. Resolving conflicts should wait until later when tempers have eased.

When things are calm: DO check in during private moments to safely explore how your kids feel about each other. Ask them what they like most and least about each other. Encourage them to say whatever they want, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Just notice, don’t judge the negatives and focus on the positive things they hopefully express and affirm their ability to recognize them. This is a great way to help them vent and allows you to keep tabs on their feelings about their relationships.

4) Stay away from direct competition: Don’t set siblings up to compete with each other directly. If your children are drawn to the same activities allow them to pursue them but be careful not to set them up to be adversaries with each other very often.

– Set your kids up to cooperate rather than compete. Have them race the clock together to pick up toys, instead of racing each other. How fast can you do this together? Give them a brief amount of time to plan a strategy – this promotes great teamwork.

– When alone OR together with your children do not use comparisons as compliments to pump up one of your child’s egos at the expense of the other (i.e. “Wow, you’re so good at math. Joey’s nowhere as good at math as you”). This is NEVER a good way to promote bonding among siblings.

Remember that tired, hungry or bored kids are more likely to become overly sensitive and perceive degrees of parental attention as unfair. Treating your children impartially is important but it is not the same as treating them equally. As your children “see” you meeting their needs, they will come to realize that you are doing your best but they also need to “feel” it. This is where listening, genuine listening and connecting to each child is important. If each of your children feels heard then they truly know you care and this has the power to reduce or diffuse any negative emotions towards each other.

Zhang Liyuan – Find Trusted Information & Advice on Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder, a complex developmental disability is more common in today’s society. Almost every young child or an adult shares this difficulty at different age levels. Autism spectrum disorder is approximately 17 times as common as Down’s syndrome and four times as common as cerebral palsy. More than 77, 500 persons in New Zealand suffers from autism spectrum, i.e, 1 in 58 people. Yet, autism still remain unknown to general population.

A general information about autism is quintessential for every person; for parents of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum or an anonymous pantomath. Many encyclopedia sources on internet gives advanced understanding about the treatment and care of ASD. Researches also confirms, first medicine for autism is love and encouragement that is only achievable from proper knowledge. A descriptive know-how about this disability could pave new ways to successful treatment. Here’s is an idea what to look for –

What is an autism spectrum disorder?

While on a surge of proper information, find the most reliable resource to understand ASD from depth. An absolute definition could broaden your understanding and widen your viewing perspective.

ASD is a neurological disorder. A person with ASD can have developmental disabilities that have been caused by a brain abnormality. This is a wide spectrum disorder, referring no identical symptoms between two people.

What are the causes?

Causes and factors of this disability could be many. There are several frightening rumors about what causes this mysterious brain disorder in children. However, the information about the prime factors, enhances the treatment procedure and speed-ups the recovery.

The exact causes of autism disorder are not known, but research has pointed to several possible factors.

Genes are counted among the major risk factors.
Children who have siblings with ASD are at a higher risk of having ASD.
Genetic or chromosomal disorder can cause an ASD
Drugs like valproic acid and thalidomide are more likely to cause ASD in pregnant women.
Researchers confirmed that, the time before and after birth accounts more to development of this disorder.
Parents age also matters. Children born to older parents are at greater risk.
How to recognize the disorder?

Children with autism cannot be diagnosed with any medical evaluation. Autism Test can be done through some behavioral signs. These kids can be easily characterized by social- interaction difficulties, several communication problems, and repetitive behaviors. The information source will elaborate the major insignia that signifies; whether or not your child is a patient!

What to do if you are suspected with an autism disorder?

Parents and professionals are more likely to recognize this developmental differences. To get an accurate diagnosis, it’s better to consult a doctor. At the hand of experts, an extensive assessment program would be conducted to more thorough diagnosis. There is currently no medical treatment available for ASD, however an extensive intervention treatment can improve the child’s development.

If your son or daughter is diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder, your mind may be junked with many questions. There is much information on web to suffice your queries and meet the specific challenges.

Altogether AutismSTEP is a trusted information source for professional autism guidance and help. The organization aims to supply information to people with autism, to parents, educators, support workers, and to any professionals working with adults or children on the autism spectrum .

Zhang Liyuan Autism – Awareness of Autism – Is Your Child Autistic?

Autism is a neurobehavioral disorder which is visible in children from the age 1yr – 3yrs. It is not a disease, but a behavioral disorder. Some of the common visible symptoms of an Autistic children are lack of communication and concentration skills, followed by lack of social interaction and at times show repetitive behavior. Earlier people were not very aware of this disorder and overlooked it even if it existed in their child. But today, with the help of media and other social publicity means people are getting to recognize this disorder in children, and at least stop once to think if their children is showing any signs of Autism or not.

How does one know if their child has Autism?

Each child shows a different set of characteristics of Autism. At times you may experience your child showing some symptoms of Autism, but that does not mean that your child is autistic. Every child has its own space of developing, some develop skills faster than the others. The best way is to consult a doctor if you feel that your child has a slow growth, in terms of learning , behavioral aspects etc. It is never advisable to self diagnose your child.

Symptoms in an autistic child can only be recognized by professionally qualified medical specialists and it may take time to actually find out whether the child has autism. The sooner this disorder is diagnosed, it is better for the children to respond to the therapy. The actual cause of autism is not known. Researchers feel that it is a combination of genetic and environmental factors can possibly the cause of autism. Symptoms that confirm autism in children are like, no eye contact, no communication at all, repetitive actions, no show of emotions, hard of hearing etc.

Autistic child requires planned and tailored treatment on an individual basis. You need to be patient enough to deal with autistic children and not panic. Zhang Liyuan Autism providing treatment & remedy for autism children are behavioral and management training’s, specialized therapies and medicines related to it. Autism medicines are normally used to treat related conditions of autism like depression, anxiety and hyper sensitivity. Autism support groups also help in guiding parents to treat their children in the best way possible.

Some small changes can be made at home to make your autistic child comfortable. Foremost is to de clutter and organize your place of stay. Make it more safe for your child to move about. Try to create positive learning opportunities. Try not to keep him away from other children. As a parent you are required to guide and give full support to your autistic child.

You can get more information on Autism , its symptoms & treatment on https://zhangliyuanautism.weebly.com/, an Autism STEP Singapore is minimizing effect of autism with the help of natural herbs and minerals.

Zhang Liyuan Autism – Different Theories about Autism and its Treatment

Have you heard about autism or any such disease? You may have heard about it somewhere and you don’t remember it now. Anyways if you have forgotten about autism then let me remind you that autism is a disorder that it totally related to brain and falls under the classification of neurological disorders. Researchers have been done on this disorder to find out the reasons that cause this problem but so far there are no particular reasons that are subjected to this disorder. There are so many theories about this disorder that will be described further in this article.

This disorder is totally subjected to children under the age of 3. There have been hardly any cases in which a person has suffered from this disorder after the age of 3. It is not subjected to a particular gender but still the ratio of boys getting affected by this disorder is 4 times more as compared to girls. Researchers are also doing research on this aspect as well but still they are unable to find out a proper solution and find out the appropriate reasons that are causing such disorder to the children.

Different treatment plans have also been designed and implemented but since the appropriate reasons for autism are unknown so it is almost impossible to say that what kind of product will be good for a child suffering from autism. Only guesses can be made and medication can be done according to assumptions. Most of the people have assumed the reasons to this disorder and according to them most of the times; children are affected by this disorder due to atmospheric effects. There are certain things that are affecting the atmosphere and the atmosphere is affecting the human beings in return.

The toxins that are present in air may be responsible for autism but it can’t be said firmly because nothing like this has been proven by researches. Researchers are still busy to find out the reasons and causes of this disorder. Hopefully soon they will get a good breakthrough in this research after which, medication could be prescribed to the diseased children. There are different symptoms of autism that can be shown by a child who is suffering from this disease.

Some of the symptoms are given below:

  • The child may think that he/ she is deaf and can’t hear anything. In fact he/ she is not deaf, this is his/ her mind that is telling him/ her about deafness.
  • The child may not look like normal children and may not feel confident to speak and to learn new things.
  • The child may lack in different abilities that are shown by children of his age.

If any child shows above given symptoms then he/ she must be taken to a child specialist for proper examination about autism. You should never take these symptoms easily as it can be the beginning of autism. The good news is that if autism can be detected in early stages then it can be treated with proper treatment plan.To know more about Autism contact Zhang Liyuan Autism or Get latest information on http://www.autismsep.com.

Zhang Liyuan Autism – Treating Autism With a Holistic Approach

Who can ever forget the movie “My Name is Khan”? It was a unique and brilliant movie. And lots of people’s became more aware of the disease named as “Autism”, after watching this movie. Over the years, the awareness regarding autism treatment and other diseases in the group of Pervasive Developmental Disorders has significantly increased in India and it has seriously helped the parents of the child diagnosed with such disorders.

Though autism and other disorders in this group are considered as incurable, medicines and various therapies are there to cure them to the maximum extent.

But, for the treatment of Autism and other disorders in Pervasive Developmental Disorders group, parents need to follow a holistic approach. They should take care of the following matters to see their children grow up as a normal person:

  • Consult Zhang Liyuan Autism who is an expert:  First and foremost step is to visit the doctors who are specialized in treating autism on a regular basis. Nowadays, homeopathic doctors are also known for treating autism. Homeopathic medicines for autism are good for children as there are no side-effects of the same. The way autism is treated has changed as many people are now turning towards homeopathy.
  • Nutrition: Taking all the required nutrients is essential for everyone, so for persons with any kind of disease, it becomes even more important. And if the patients are children, proper care should be taken to include all vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in their diet. It can be done by adding multivitamins in their food or giving them in the form of concentrated sprays. A nutrition plan should be prepared and followed. Drinking lots of water is also recommended.
  • Removal of toxic substances: It is believed that the child grows such disorders in developmental stage due to the toxic substances, which harm the development and functioning of the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the presence of such substances and their intensity as well. This can be done by a few tests. Next step is to remove these substances by trusted methods.
  • Brain development: Children with autism lack in many activities which require active functioning of the brain. To overcome this and increase their level of intelligence, so that they can compete with the normal children, there are various activities, mind games, and other development programmes.
  • Social development: This is one of the prime components of autism. Autistic children cannot interact flawlessly with others and don’t understand social cues. The major task here is to try to be friends with them and understand their feelings, which they cannot express. Encourage them to convey their thoughts freely. Make them aware of different phenomena in life. There are appropriate techniques for enhancing social skills of autistic children.
  • Making them familiar with sound: Autistic children are often found to be scared of loud noises such as traffic, crackers, music system, etc. As a part of the holistic approach, their sensitivity towards different types and magnitude of sound should be understood and their fear should be removed.
  • Improve vision: They can see things normally, but when it comes to reading, many autistic children have the condition wherein the signal from the eyes does not react properly to the brain and hence they cannot read. It also happens that one of their eyes focuses on something and the other eye focuses on something else. There are various methods to improve this condition.
  • Improve concentration: Autistic children lack concentration skills. They can’t pay attention to the ongoing activity for too long. This acts as an impediment to their overall development. There are many exercises, games, tools, and methods to improve their attention skills.

If anyone in your family or from the persons, you know, is suffering from autism, please convey them about the Zhang Liyuan Autism. He has successfully helped many autistic children and their families to live a normal life.

Zhang Liyuan Autism – Understanding Autism And How to Treat it to Have a Better Life

Autism is a spectrum condition, and the patients have certain difficulties. It affects them in different ways such as they have learning disabilities, mental health conditions, etc. They need support from others so that they learn something and can develop skills as well. With a better support from family and peers, they can be helped to live a more fulfilling life. Autism is a condition that affects millions of people all over the world. It is not limited to a certain religion or culture or social background. It can happen to both men and women. However, it is seen more in men as compared to women. Autistic people find the world quite complicated and confusing, and this causes anxiety in them. It is difficult for them to understand social life, relating to people, comprehending family life, and other such aspects of a normal life. Autistic people always find other people to be difficult to understand and will feel alone due to the social differences that they go through. Autism treatment in Singapore is possible by Zhang Liyuan at Autism STEP, which provides support and accurate treatment with stem cell therapy.

Autism needs to be diagnosed by an expert who can then recommend treatments and support the person with several methods. The diagnosis is carried out by a multidisciplinary diagnostic team that includes speech and language therapists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, and psychologists. Getting a timely and thorough assessment and diagnosis can be helpful in several ways.

  • Diagnosis will help the patient as well as family members by sharing details about the experiences and difficulties of autism and what they can do about it.
  • It helps people to get the right treatment in a timely manner
  • Diagnosis can further help family members and friends understand the autistic person from a different perspective.

Stem cell therapy is a great way to treat autism as there are two key pathologies linked with the condition, namely, the lack of oxygen supply and immune degeneration. The brain is slow in its functioning, and so it affects the normal behavior of the person. Thus, it leads to the formations that are linked to autism. NeuroGen has treated hundreds of cases of autism and is a world-renowned institute where patients are treated with comprehensive treatment programs including stem cell therapy and rehabilitation therapy. The results after the treatment are quite encouraging as many patients have shown improvement in their behavior and activities. At NeuroGen, the stem cell treatment is given tremendous importance as it has shown path-breaking results with safety and efficacy of the therapy. The treatment is non-invasive and does not require patients to stay in the hospital for long.

The improvements that are seen in patients are:

  •  Reduction in self-stimulatory behavior
  •  Improvement in communication skills
  •  Reduction in aggressive behavior
  •  Improvement in speech
  •  Improvement in eye contact

There is an overall improvement and not just one aspect of the condition. After the stem cell treatment, rehabilitation therapy is provided depending on the condition of the patient. Speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and other such therapies are conducted here to help improve the physical and mental strength of the patient. Zhang Liyuan is an expert in the field of stem cell research & therapy. If you want to know more about stem cell treatment, feel free contact Zhang Liyuan Autism.

Zhang Liyuan Autism Step

Today Autism is a very challengable disease for autistic parents. Every day autistic parents face lots of new problems and challenge to handle their autism child. Everyday their lifestyle becomes more stressful and complicated. According to research, we can recover fast from autism if we follow continue autism rules. Meditation is the best treatment to recover autism child. If we behave positively with each autism child then, our positivity gives them happiness. You can find your own way to recover your child from Asperger Syndrome. Because an autistic child spend his lot of time with their parents and family. So that we create positive environment which helps to recover fast.

Parents of autistic child have to perform positive activities with their child . Whenever a positive environment create in your home. your child can be more socialized and automatically attract by others people’s. For example, activities like painting and paper art. Mostly kids like painting and creating paper art. They’ll practice their color recognition and observation skills while observing paint go from a liquid state to a solid state, then back to liquid again. Decorate him/her room with lots of design with matchstick and flowers.

So these all activities really helps for you and your autism child. Know more activities and fact which helps in future. contact Zhang Liyuan Autism who provides all techniques and guidelines for autism child.

Zhang Liyuan Autism – Autism Therapy

In each disease, therapies play a big role in every patient life. Use of therapy maintains a proper health and healing the body in systematic manners. Many doctors prefer therapies as compared to other treatments. Autism is the disorder which treated by a therapy and creating a positive environment. Autism occurs by brain development disorder which is developed in an early stage of child’s life. An autism child always thinking that same thing and repeat the same behavior to others people’s. An autism child has own world and assumption. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a group of complex disorders related to the development of the brain.

But in Autism Step Singapore who is in Director Zhang Liyuan Autism provides many therapies and help to treat the autism children with the autism spectrum disorder. He provides some therapeutic information which is important to know for every autistic parents and family. Zhang Liyuan provides various treatments method also that can be early stage used for autism child to gain the better life.

Zhang Liyuan Autism creates a therapy schedule for autism child and he decides this child’s will be treated by more care as compare to another. His scheduling has been different for every autism child. He has included various programs such as Home Program, School Program, Speech Therapy, Vocational Training, Social and School Readiness Class and Psychological Assessment etc. It all depends on your child behavior.

Zhang Liyuan Autism – Autism Step

In this world, every and each problem has a perfect solution. Our specialist finds new search every day. Because they believe that nothing is impossible. Every country developed new things in Medical science and strong their country over the world. In daily life, a new disease has born, by the virus or by genetic. But medical science finds every possible treatment for all disease in a very small time with the affordable range so that everyone can get treatment. You all hear about autism which Asperger’s syndrome by genetic or  shown in 3 years child. It causes by neurology disorder mean undeveloped brain. This type of child has not easily socialized with other people’s and doesn’t’ behave like the normal child. Autism can’t treat properly but improved given by some therapies, treatments, and creating the positive environment for an autistic child. This is all possible by Zhang Liyuan Autism who working in Autism Step Singapore. He is perfect and specialist in Psychologist as well as Behavioural Therapist.

His aim to provide best treatments as possible to the autistic child. He spends all time autistic children and tests them how they like to treat and behave and also research on them to find new techniques so that they well and recover fast from previous stress life. His research totally different and they works live in autism child. For this technique, he won many prizes for Autism Step organization and he confirmed for many countries for our professions. According to experts autism cant’ be cured proper but Zhang Liyuan considers that it can be controlled and easily managed. Contact him and get instant recovery from autism.